Last week in my podcast ‘Just figuring it out I had a guest over and we navigated through toxic relationships and I thought why not share it with my WordPress family( very soon I shall be getting your name, just watch this pace) and you are also welcome to be part of ‘ Just figuring it out family’. We chose this topic because it’s an emerging issue in society and we just realized that majority of people are in toxic relationships its just that they never know that and hence the emergence of the topic today.

Can we guess what they are arguing about? Photo by Anthony Shkraba on

What is a toxic relationship?

A toxic relationship is a relationship between people who do not support each other, one seeks to undermine the other and most probably one does not have a voice or an opinion in a relationship.

How do you recognize that you are in a toxic relationship?

  1. When your significant other has controlling behaviors; he/ she always wants to tell you what to do at any given time and is offended when you dismiss whatever he has told you.
  2. Hostile communication from your partner; you rarely communicate with your partner and when you do your partner is very rude and is not accommodating towards the conversation.
  3. If your relationship entails a situation where there is all take and no give; in the relationship, there is one person who is doing the giving, and the other person is just taking and not reciprocating the same love that is given. In most cases your partner is selfish and he/ she only wants what is best for them not the relationship.
  4. You make excuses for their behaviors; whenever they are wrong you always convince yourself that maybe you are the problem or they just did not know but in a real sense, you know whatever they have done they did it knowingly but you just want to protect them to keep the relationship going.
  5. They do not respect you; respect is something that is paramount I mean how will you claim to love somebody and yet you will not show them the respect that is pure mediocracy.

Can a toxic relationship change into a healthy relationship?

Personally, I believe everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it so yes a toxic relationship can change into a healthy relationship as long as both of you are willing to give it a try together.

But let us also think of it this way, once you squeeze a flower you can not get the petals back into their original position( got that narrative from this series am currently watching Jane the virgin as Abuela loves using it, and if you have not watched it what are you waiting for)

it makes sense now so can we fix the issue.Photo by Anthony Shkraba on

How to overcome the aftermath of a toxic relationship

  1. Surround yourself with positive people; your environment can really influence you so at all times ensure that you stick around to people with positive views it’s always a life saver at all times.
  2. Practice self-care; once you learn how to love yourself you will have an understanding of what is love and how to be loved seems like and that will set a standard on what you will accept as love not just accepting the bare minimum.
  3. Talk about your feeling to someone you trust; they always say a problem shared is a problem half solved, expressing your feeling about the situation enables you to get the issue out of your system, and trust me you will feel good after talking about it.
  4. Do not victimize yourself but instead view yourself as a strong individual; it is not your fault that things did not work out we just have to get up and continue living as that is not the end of life.
The biggest step you can make in life is finally agreeing to leave that toxic relationship photo by Diana Hasanbekava on

Have a nice week fam, 😊keep safe, and do not forget to interact with me in the comment section see you next time

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